Coverage Policy Recommendations (Members Only)

The International Pain and Spine Intervention Society has reviewed and endorsed these Coverage Policy Recommendations developed by the North American Spine Society. IPSIS encourages members to use these documents in efforts to advocate for appropriate coverage of spine interventions.

  • The North American Spine Society Coverage Recommendations are developed to assist payers, providers and patients in determining whether medical services and procedures should be covered for payment based on review of the best available clinical evidence and the expert opinion of committee members.
  • NASS coverage recommendations are reviewed and updated periodically and are therefore subject to change.
  • These materials are for the member or purchaser's own personal use, and may not be distributed further or modified in any way without the express permission of NASS. If materials are reproduced, transmitted, distributed or duplicated in accordance with the member or purchaser's own personal use, the materials must be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or duplicated in their entirety.